Eat Mo Beef!

Yep, I guess I’ll be eating more beef in the future! Of course I love your Chick Fil A spicy chicken sandwiches; except for the haters who bullied the company who doesn’t? But as of today I am expressing my displeasure with Chickens! Not the food of course, but the greedy, fearful, Chickens who gave in to the LGBTQ mob. In the bible, Phillipians, Paul thanks God and commends the elders and deacons of Phillipi for their “partnership in the gospel” and he prays that their love, knowledge, and discernment would abound so that they may “approve what is excellent.” This is still a good message today. What you Dan Cathy have forgotten (or have not learned) is that Paul’s imprisonment was for Christ’s sake; it was actually an encouragement to others. For when they saw Paul’s courage and boldness they too grew confident. “…most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.” (Philippians 1:14, ESV)

I’m not saying the board of Chick Fil A should be imprisoned for supporting traditional marriage (although I’m sure some would love it). I’m saying when people or companies stand on biblical principles it matters to the rest of us. We are encouraged. We see by the hate of good things that our fight is righteous and the opposition embolden’s us to stand firm!

There will always be bullies, haters of God’s ways. But remember Christian’s are not to impose by force our values on others. (It is my understanding that the only wrong Chick Fil A did was to have an expressed value different than the haters.)

So I blame the company for fearing the bullies. I blame your board for schmoozing with idolatry and lust, all for financial gain. Yes, I’m dissapointed! This is more than the slow decay of biblical values that I am used to! You have capitulated! You have discouraged the weak and given them cause to fear! Your actions have emboldened the LGBTQ community to continue their campaign of squashing all discussion and dissent. Chick Fil A you are chickens! Paul would not have proudly written to you as he did to the Phillipians. You have given in to private equity, to worldly and evil forces, and you have denied good Christian organisations your philanthropic gifts. What’s next, going public and being open on Sunday’s?

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